Modeling structural equation for assessing passenger service quality of public transport

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Poltavskaya Yu. O. Modelirovaniye strukturnogo uravneniya dlya otsenki kachestva obsluzhivaniya passazhirov obshchestvennogo transporta [Modeling structural equation for assessing passenger service quality of public transport]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 150–155. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.1(65).150-155

Номер журнала (Том): 
656.025.2, 656.078


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In order to develop urban public transport, it is necessary to ensure high reliability of its functioning, as well as to strengthen its attractiveness in comparison with individual transport. In this regard, studies aimed at improving the quality of transport services are relevant at present. The article proposes a tool for assessing the quality of public transport passengers. The considered model of the structural equation allows us to study the influence of the relationship between passenger satisfaction and service quality indicators. The system of structural equations consists of two components: a hidden variable model and a measurement model. Thus, this approach allows us to simulate the investigated process of transport services, taking into account both “hidden” and analyzed variables. During the study, the impact of quality indicators was evaluated, and four variables were determined: service reliability, comfort, route network configuration, safety and cleanliness. To identify the effect of indicators on passenger satisfaction with the quality of transport services, hypotheses were put forward. However, the test results of the model showed that comfort is not significant in the case of influencing the quality from the point of view of the passenger. Taking into account the calibration of the obtained values, the final structure of the model is provided. The proposed methodology can be applied both by the transport enterprises of the city, and by design organizations to analyze the indicators of quality of service and conduct activities aimed at improving the quality of services provided.

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