A methodology of automated research of the impact of high-frequency Electrothermy on heteropolar polymers used in transport engineering

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Filippenko N.G. Metodologiya avtomatizirovannogo issledovaniya vozdeistviya vysokochastotnoi elektrotermii na raznopolyarnye polimery, ispol'zuemye v transportnom mashinostroenii [A methodology of automated research of the impact of high-frequency electrothermy on heteropolar polymers used in transport engineering]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 66, No. 2, pp. 52–60. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.2(66).52-60

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Based on generalized data, this paper analyzes previously created automated systems of scientific researches of high-frequency electrothermy and justifies a new principle of building automated systems of scientific research, which allows solving the problems of determining the parameters of heat exchange, electrophysical parameters and phase transformations in polymer and composite materials when they are exposed to the high-frequency field in real time. The developed methodology eliminates the need for collecting and processing a large amount of data, which is typical for standard methods for determining the characteristics and parameters of polymers and composite materials. The combined measurement error is not generated, and the initial values of the measured parameters are protected from disturbing influences. A methodology of a new (universal) class of automatic systems of scientific researches of high-frequency electrothermy has been constructed. Based on the “knowledge bank” developed and integrated into it and the algorithm of its use, researchers can quickly determine the direction of building both universal and highly specialized research systems in various areas of high-frequency field effects on polymer and composite materials. The author-developed methodology of a new (universal) class of automatic systems of scientific researches of the high-frequency electrothermy is based on a set of interrelated and interconnected elements. It allowed building the architecture of the “knowledge bank” that provides the possibility of data abstraction. This makes it possible not only to use the “knowledge bank”, but also to promptly maintain its independence and handle the database by various groups of users. The methodology proposed by the author provides us an opportunity to determine the line of work of a scientist in the field of his research on the topic of electrothermal effects of the high-frequency field on polymer and composite materials.

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