The use of visual models to estimate the demands of locomotives and locomotive crews considering individual characteristics of railway polygons

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Vlasov A. I., Podorin A. A., Malevanyi A. Yu., Lakhankin E. A. Primenenie vizual'nykh modelei dlya otsenki potrebnosti lokomotivov i lokomotivnykh brigad s uchetom individual'nykh osobennostei zheleznodorozhnykh poligonov [The use of visual models to estimate the demands of locomotives and locomotive crews considering individual characteristics of railway polygons]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 66, No. 2, pp. 92–100. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.2(66).92-100

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This article focuses on the peculiarities of formalization of locomotive crews operation on the sections. A problem has been identified in a method of describing processes in locomotive turnaround section. The paper considers main existing concepts of implementation of the streaming visual model of locomotive movement organization inside the turnaround sections, makes their description and gives examples of their use. Aspects of the classical methodology based on the network streaming model for formalized description of the operation technology of locomotives and locomotive crews in cargo traffic have been analyzed. This methodology handles the schemes of locomotive turnaround sections and locomotive crew operation, which are taken into account when drawing up the standard train traffic schedule. It shows how, as a part of the modernization of the system “Software for forecast of performance of locomotives and locomotive crews for the standard schedule of freight trains”, structural and algorithmic changes were made taking into accound the peculiarities of the October and West Siberian Railway polygons. These modifications make it possible to describe the operation areas of locomotive crews with greater flexibility. The article demonstrates the differences between the existing models of operation of locomotive crews depending on the type of their turnaround sections. Business Process Model and Notation is suggested as a modeling tool. It is designed to facilitate understanding of the processes that take place at the locomotive crew operation areas and to analyse the scope of crew work at the areas. Alternative versions of implementation of streaming visual model of transport processes are proposed to estimate the demand of locomotives and locomotive crews in Business Process Model and Notation. The authors compare existing and proposed concepts and draw conclusions on their basis.

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