Research of the automated process of high-frequency oil filling of the polymeric material PA6 with the motor oil M-8V to increase operating properties of parts applicable in transport

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Bychkovskii V. S., Bakanin D. V., Kuraitis A. S., Filippenko N. G. Kompleksnoe reshenie problemy razvitiya tekhnicheskogo osnashcheniya infrastruktury magistral'nogo transporta [Research of the automated process of high-frequency oil filling of the polymeric material PA6with the motor oil M-8V to increase operating properties of parts applicable on transport]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, No. 4 (68), pp. 49–58. – DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.4(68).49-58

Номер журнала (Том): 
691.175.2, 621.893


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According to a developed new technology for the process of oil filling of polymer and composite materials, an automated control system for the process of oil filling of polymer and composite materials using electrothermal treatment for uniform and selective heating of the sample, excluding the liquid medium (oil), has been created. With the advent of this oil filling technology, the question came up: at what moment will the complete filling of a polymer sample with a liquid plasticizer be determined. Proceeding from this, it was decided to study the heat exchange of the polymer sample PA6 with M-8V engine oil during oil filling. For this, the scheme of an experimental research installation for electrothermal oil filling was drawn up, and the selected parameters were justified in two stages: drying until a certain condition is met and the oil filling itself. For this scheme, a finite-difference calculation of the heat transfer of a polymer sample and engine oil was performed without taking into account impregnation in the “Solidworks Flow Simulation 2017” software package and with filling with a liquid plasticizer with M-8B oil into the sample body. The results presented in Figures 8 and 9 showed with what gradient temperature of the polymer sample changes throughout the volume with oil filling with and without impregnation. The temperature ranges were as follows: 102.6…114.25 ºС without impregnation; 23.45...24.00 taking into account impregnation. The results obtained will be used for comparative analysis with experimental values.

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