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The article analyzes the literature sources and experience of four-year operation of the diesel locomotive of series 2TE116UM № 016 on the Ulan-Bator railway (Mongolia). The results of the analysis showed that the turbocharger does not exhaust its service life until regular preventive maintenance, because due to the onset of such a phenomenon as surging, stability of its operation is disrupted. It has been established that the main causes of surge appearance are: flow failure from the walls of the diffuser, and/or from the vane blades, and/or from the impeller blades and others. These deviations from the operating conditions are caused by various factors, the main one of which is the contamination of the air filter. The dynamics of the onset of surging, the revision and the replacement of the air filter are analyzed. An empirical dependence of the air flow on the degree of pressure increase in the turbocharger is obtained. In order to automate the control of the turbocharger's unattended operation in the diesel locomotive operation mode set by the controller, the dependence of the pumping distance on the ambient temperature, the degree of pressure increase and the pressure at the inlet of the turbocharger, depending on the degree of air filter contamination, was investigated. The source data from the controller was processed in the Statgraphics Plus package and adequate regression equations were obtained to determine the mileage before the surge from each parameter individually and from the combined effect of all parameters. The coefficients of determination of the regression dependencies obtained are 92–99%.

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