Дата поступления: 
Номер журнала (Том): 
656.078.14 (571.6):519.86
Файл статьи: 

Modern development of world economy and constant changes of political conditions demand perfection of approaches and methodology of the decision of problems of formation and development of multimodal corridors and transportations on them taking into account specificity of development of regions and problems of their social and ecological position and economic efficiency of their development. The analysis of existing research works has allowed to draw a conclusion that the problem of realisation of the mixed transportations in uniform multimodal transport system can be divided in two independent problems: development of a transport infrastructure of multimodal transport corridors and the organisation of multimodal transport transportations. Integrated approach at the decision of these problems is reached because the generated infrastructure under perspective volumes of transportations of a multimodal transport corridor is checked on technological possibility of realisation of these transportations, and it demands creation of the economic-mathematical models allowing to solve the specified logistical problems. The present article is devoted to development of economic-mathematical model of formation of regional multi-modal transport corridors to link centers of natural resources with the support elements of the transport network and consumers transported resources. In the article based on the study of domestic and foreign research on modeling the creation and operation of multimodal systems, the task of creating the infrastructure of multimodal transport corridors and organizing multimodal of transportation can be formulated as a multi-stage transport problem of linear programming. The article presents the economic-mathematical model of multistage transportation problem and gives the conceptual proposals for its landmark solving on the basis of decomposition and implementation of the three-step procedure to obtain the desired result.

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