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The article deals with the problem of analyzing the vibrations of the forces of interaction between the tool and the workpiece with increasing spindle rotation speed and their influence on the milling quality. Based on a number of conducted experiments to process the workpiece with a modern machining center in various cutting regimes, at speeds of rotation of the spindle 20 - 30 thousand revolutions per minute, the characteristics of spatial oscillations of the force of interaction of the end mill with the workpiece are obtained. The data analysis using programs and methods of the theory of oscillations showed that at high speeds of the spindle rotation in a number of processing modes, the cutting edges of the milling cutter interact with the workpiece unevenly, which reduces the milling quality. When increasing spindle rotation speed, due to resonances in the machine, spindle and mutual oscillations of the workpiece and tool, the milling force spectrum changes significantly. Additional harmonic components appear, which indicate a violation of the interaction of the cutting edges with the workpiece. Plotting of the oscillation orbits and calculation of the tangential and radial force effects confirm the data of spectral analysis. During the increased speed milling, dynamic distortions in the measurement of forces introduced by the dynamometer table arise due to resonances in a given measuring device. The method used to correct the measurement errors, increased the accuracy of measurements of the oscillations of forces during milling with increased spindle speeds.

List of references: 

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