Assessment of the delamination influence on the life limit of parts made of carbon fiber reinforced plastics

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Sturov A. A., Chashchin N. S., Ivanov Y. N., Makaruk A. A. Otsenka vliyaniya rassloenii na resurs detalei iz ugleplastika [Assessment of the delamination influence on the life limit of parts made of carbon fiber reinforced plastics]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, No. 4 (68), pp. 32–40. –DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.4(68).32-40

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In modern mechanical engineering, products containing elements of composite and metallic materials are being actively introduced. These products are joined using bolted or riveted connections. When holes are formed in composite materials, there is a risk of delamination-type defects. In this regard, the chosen goal of this research is to study the resource characteristics of carbon fiber reinforced plastic, having a subsurface delamination around the hole caused by external impact. An original method of applying defects to samples which ensures high repeatability of the damaged zone, is considered. The article compares the results of repeated static tests of defect-free samples, samples with delamination and samples subjected to repair. A technique is proposed for static and cyclic tests on servo-hydraulic testing machines using a special four-point tooling for loading samples. Static and cycle tests were carried out on a Shimadzu universal servo-hydraulic testing machine (Japan). During the tests, the samples were subjected to nondestructive ultrasonic testing at all stages of testing with the use of an ELISA ultrasonic complex from GMI (France). In the course of the research, static strength tests of the samples were carried out, on the basis of which the loading ranges for cyclic tests were selected, a technique and equipment for applying identical defects on samples were developed, a technique of repairing damage was engineered, and cyclic tests were carried out. As a result of the tests conducted, is was revealed the way the delamination-type defects and its subsequent repair influence on the durability of products made of carbon fiber reinforced plastic was revealed; the dependence of the growth of the size of the defect zone on the number of loading cycles was obtained. Recommendations are given on the technologies of repairing laminations. Alternative methods of resin injection with the use of special tooling into the zone of the delamination-type defect are proposed.

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