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According to the development strategy of the Russian Railways holding company until 2030, the network is planned to switch from the preventive maintenance system of the locomotive fleet to maintenance and repair in accordance with the actual technical condition of the tractive rolling stock. To implement this reform, it is necessary to organize continuous monitoring of the technical state of locomotives.

The staff of the Subdepartment of Locomotives of FESTU has been conducting applied research in the field of creating systems for monitoring the state of complex objects for many years. Monitoring technologies, built with the use of integrated solutions based on the diagnosis and processing of the results, allow systematizing and gradually presenting the process of forming solutions for the control of the parameters of locomotives and transport infrastructure facilities.

The main process of stable reading the parameters of the traction rolling stock is the grassroots automation and systems for determining the state of assemblies and components of locomotives. Only after receiving a stable data flow one can develop procedures for processing the information and its further systematization, followed by the deployment of a decision-making algorithm.

The article shows the main limiting nodes of locomotives and analyzes the parameters of their control. In accordance with the identified limiting nodes, specific means are provided to ensure continuous monitoring of their technical condition. The principles of organization and development of the system of continuous monitoring of the technical condition of the locomotive park are determined.

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