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Bibliographic description of the article: 

Goryakina O. V., Martynenko L. V., Timakova E. A., Fofonova A. I., Shakhova N. I. Otsenka raboty kompleksa tekhnicheskikh izmerenii i primenenie innovatsionnykh tekhnologii na Vostochno-Sibirskoi zheleznoi doroge [Estimating the work of the technical measurements complex and using innovative technologies on the East-Siberian railway]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 62, No. 2. Pp. 119–127. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.2(62).119–127

Journal number: 
681.786.5, 629.44


Article File: 

This article analyzes the main faults of rail cars arising in the process of operation on the East-Siberian railway and presents the nomenclature of the car faults distribution on the main bearing assembly units. The main problem of early rail car repair because of the wheel tread malfunctions has been identified, alongside with the analysis of wheelset defects formed during operation on the East-Siberian railway for the period 2016-2019. The paper considers the principle of operation and controlled parameters for the automatic scanning of wheel treads by an automatic complex of technical measurements. The authors have highlighted significant shortcomings in the operation of a technical measurements complex that affect the throughput of stations and technical service points. A variant has been proposed for the introduction of a laser profilometer in production in order to reduce the idle time of transit trains. In production, work is carried out on the control measurements of the rail car wheel tread profiles at the Irkutsk-Sortirovochnaya station (receiving yards). In the course of work in production, an analysis was made using data obtained from measurements of various freight rail car tread profiles, including wheelsets with defects in comparison with the reference profile. The automated profilometer system makes it possible not only to detect data but also to transfer it which allows analyzing the number of faults by the measurements obtained and the ability to convert them into diagrams. The main advantages of the laser profilometer of the wheel treads are given for recommending the introduction of its operation.

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