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Badzyuk I. L., Chepurnykh N. K. Ekspertnye issledovaniya mikrostruktury sledov goryuche-smazochnykh materialov s tsel'yu identifikatsii transportnogo sredstva skryvshegosya s mesta proisshestviya [Expert studies of the microstructure of the traces of combustible lubricated materials to identify a vehicle fleeing the scene of event]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 106–111. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.3(63).106–111

Journal number: 
629.3, 343.98


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In the modern world, most crimes are committed with the involvement of vehicles. Search for vehicles present at the scene of event and fleeing the crime scene, including the traffic accident scene, becomes more effective when specialists apply integrated approaches, for example, trace evidence analysis and physical- and-chemical methods. As objects containing individualizing information about a vehicle, there may be drops of service aggregate fluids, in particular, drops of engine oil. The article provides a summary of the methods used to study trace amounts of fuel. The main attention is paid to the “drop test method” and the possibilities of its use as an examining method to form criminal intelligence and surveillance information on the identification of the engine oil of a specific vehicle. The article proposes an approach for the study of trace amounts of working aggregate fluids of vehicles, based on the study of the microstructure of a layer of liquid fuels and lubricants on various surfaces. The analysis of changes in the microstructure of automotive motor oils at different temperature drops was carried out. The formation of the “micrograph” structure of a motor oil layer on a polymer surface is observed at a significant temperature difference from positive to negative. There is a noticeable difference in the microstructure of mineral and synthetic motor oils. The article shows possibility of applying the results of the study of the microstructure on different surfaces when carrying out the group identification of automotive liquid droplets and the time that vehicle transport fluids hit a certain surface.

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