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Naumov P. P. Vozdeistvie stroitel'stva i ekspluatatsii zheleznykh dorog na prirodnye kompleksy (na primere resursov okhotnich'ikh zhivotnykh zapadnogo uchastka Baikalo-Amurskoi magistrali) [The impact of the construction and operation of railways on natural systems (for example, resources of game animals of the western section of the Baikal-Amur Railway)]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 62, No. 2. Pp. 203–211. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.2(62).203–211

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The article presents the results of many years of research by the author on the impact of the construction, operation of railways and their impact on naturalThe testing ground for such experiments and research was the construction and industrial development zone of the Head section of the Western BAM on the territory of the Kazachinsko-Lensky District of the Irkutsk Region, where we had been carrying out researches since 1970. That is, the work began four years before the mainline construction, which is important for obtaining information on the state of the animal world and the natural environment that is not outsized by industrial impact. As biological indicators, game animals were used, the use of which was substantiated by the specific, adaptive response of this group of animals to human activity in Natural Systems. Unlike other animals or plants, they are easily recognized and controlled in nature. Their quick response to anthropogenic influences and a wide range of adaptive features allows them to rebuild the structural parameters of their populations in a relatively short time. On the basis of these works, a new author's environmental law was formulated: A differentiation of the ethological response and spatial adaptation of wild animals under anthropogenic influences, changing the established understanding of human impacts on natural complexes. Areas of anthropogenic influences are allocated, and all animals are divided into three adaptive groups. The ecological and economic algorithms are provided in order to calculate the damage due to the degradation of natural systems and wildlife resources. There are no analogues.

List of references: 

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