Information entropy of systems of technical diagnostics of locomotives

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Semenov A. P., Lakin I.K., Khromov I.Yu. Informatsionnaya entropiya sistem tekhnicheskogo diagnostirovaniya lokomotivov [Information entropy of systems of technical diagnostics of locomotives]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, No. 3(67), pp. 42–53. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.3(67).42-53

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The article proposes a method of analyzing the information effectiveness of technical diagnostic systems. According to the proposed method, the information efficiency of the main types of locomotive diagnostic systems has been calculated. Systems of technical diagnostics are subject to the laws of dialectical cognition of objective reality, including the concepts of I. Kant “thing in itself” (noumenal world) and “thing for us” (phenomenal world). The noumenal world possesses entropy, the phenomenal world possesses information. The difference in diagnosis lies in the presence of several asymptotically achieved levels of knowledge: the good condition, performability and correct functioning of the unit under test. Thus, diagnosis is always carried out in conditions of limited information – the presence of entropy. Systems of technical diagnostics should be built as digital information systems using microprocessors and/or computers. Therefore, the article discusses automated systems of technical diagnostics. The information of the automated systems of technical diagnostics can be assessed through the efficiency factor as the ratio of informativity of automated systems of technical diagnostics to the entropy of the diagnostic object. When evaluating the information efficiency of automated systems of technical diagnostics, one should take into account the probability of each failure and the cost of eliminating it (restoring performance). The corresponding methodology was developed, according to which the information efficiency of various diagnostic systems was evaluated. It is proved that the effectiveness of on-board automated systems of technical diagnostics even after modification of the locomotive design does not completely exclude the use of depot stationary and portable diagnostics systems, including automated rheostat tests, vibration diagnostics and test and repairing stands of individual locomotive assemblies. The article’s advantages lay in the fact that it can be used as guidelines for developing a system for maintenance and repair of complex systems with optimization of the use of automated systems of technical diagnostics.

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