The innovative approach to the development of passenger transport infrastructure of the south of Russia

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Bibliographic description of the article: 

Егорова И. Н. Инновационный подход к развитию пассажирской транспортной инфраструктуры юга России // Современные технологии. Системный анализ. Моделирование. – 2020. – Т. 65 № 1. – С. 84–92. – DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.1(65).84-92

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656.22.072 – 5 + 06


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The paper substantiates the need for an innovative approach to the development of the transport system of the South of Russia based on high-speed rail. This approach will expand the entire range of transport, recreational, health resort, historical, educational and tourist services in the specified region and significantly increase consumer demand for these services. The joint functioning of various modes of transport within the framework of a multimodal project, ensuring their natural competition, will make it possible to raise the transport services provided to a qualitatively higher level. The multimodal project under consideration, which has a hub transport and logistics structure, will coordinate the distribution of passenger flows in the Russian Black Sea region at the modern technical and technological level and in the optimal mode. A high-speed highway connecting Adler with Sevastopol will link together two of the most important tourist regions of modern Russia. By switching over the bulk of the passenger flow directed along the coasts of the Caucasus and Crimea, it will create conditions for healthy and full-fledged competition between them in all respects. Since the choice of the option to lay a high-speed mainline is a complex task that requires taking into account a large number of factors, a preliminary complex expert-analytical calculation of the project was carried out in the article. Based on expert assessments of transport, socio-economic, geomorphologic and tourist conditions in the region under consideration, analytical calculations are given to find the optimal route location. When implementing appropriate computational procedures, the use of computer mathematics systems is assumed.

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