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Mineral dressing is a set of processes of primary processing of mineral raw materials, which is aimed at separating all useful minerals from the empty rock. As a rule, this is a multi-stage process that requires continuous technological control by extracting and analyzing samples in order to determine the intermediate and final concentrations of the assay. The use of matrices of and polynomials in the model makes it possible to give a probabilistic estimate of the concentration of the assay at that intermediate stage where it is impossible to select and study the samples for various reasons. The paper presents the main stages of modeling the enrichment process. When constructing the matrices of partition polynomials, convolutions of the exponential generating function were used. The implementation of rotation makes it possible to find all the elements of the polynomial matrix of the dressing stage, for which, for one reason or another, there is no complete information. At the final stage of the simulation, a probabilistic interpretation of the results is given.

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