Physics and technology of strengthening of polymeric insulation material of electric machines using thermal radiation

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Lobytsin I.O. Fizika i tekhnika uprochneniya polimernogo izolyatsionnogo materiala elektricheskikh mashin teplovym izlucheniem [Physics and technology of strengthening of polymeric insulation material of electric machines using thermal radiation]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, No. 3(67), pp. 108–116. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.3(67).108-116

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This article is aimed at considering infrared radiation from the viewpoint of compatibility of the impact of thermal energy generated in various types of emitters and polymer insulating material used during the manufacture or repair of electrical machines of traction rolling stock. The results of the local heating process with short-wave, medium-wave, and long-wave heat radiation of samples of glass-and-mica tapes impregnated in liquid electrical insulating polymer varnishes widely used for insulation of windings of electrical machines of traction rolling stock are clearly described. The physics and technology of the occurrence of thermal radiation using ceramic emitters, as well as the properties and role of a functional ceramic coating  during the formation of pulsed narrow-band radiation and a high heat transfer rate, are extensively analyzed. The dependence of the emissivity factor on the specific resistivity of the material of the infrared emitter, as well as on its temperature, is shown using classical Maxwell’s equations. On the basis of the studies performed, the result of using the most efficient thermal infrared radiation generator is obtained. This allows us to judge that the application of emitters with low resistivity to restore the electrical insulation of bodies results in large losses of electricity, which means it is energetically inefficient when used intensively. It is noted that only infrared emitters with properties close to a completely black body are suitable for this purpose, namely, ceramic emitters with a darkened surface on the front side and a golden coating on the opposite side. The prospects for the development of the technology using the technology of microarc oxidation, the main property of which is the possibility of regulating the heating parameters, as well as the emergence of modified structures with special properties, are considered. The practical application of thermal radiation in locomotive engineering will make it possible to achieve a perfectly smooth surface of insulating structures, particularly, insulating fingers of the support brackets of the brush holders of traction electric motors. As a result of which, there will be no microdefects and porosities that are characteristic of traditional convective drying.

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