Prospects for application of the thermal impulse method for re-moving burrs from small high-precision parts of coaxial radio components of ultra-high frequency microelectronics

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Karlina Yu. I., Kargapol'tsev S. K., Gozbenko V. E. Perspektivy primeneniya termoimpul'snogo metoda udaleniya zausentsev s malogabaritnykh vysokotochnykh detalei koaksial'nykh radiokomponentov sverkhvysokochastotnoi mikroelektroniki [Prospects for application of the thermal impulse method for removing burrs from small high-precision parts of coaxial radio components of ultra-high frequency microelectronics]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 8–13. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.1(65).8-13

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The article indicates a problem of the occurrence of burrs after machining in the manufacture of parts of coaxial radio components of ultra-high frequency microelectronics. The burr control methods used in production have a number of disadvantages, such as high labor input and long finishing times. The selection of alternative methods of deburring is an urgent task, the solution of which will reduce the labour hours and time of manufacturing parts. The paper considers the prospects of using the thermal impulse method of deburring from small-sized high-precision parts having hard-to-reach surfaces. It gives examples of existing domestic and foreign thermal impulse installations. The principle of operation of parts for coaxial radio components of ultra-high frequency microelectronics according to the materials used, the size of burrs that occur, design features, dimensions and sizes of parts is investigated. The analysis of technical characteristics and their compliance with the requirements of manufacturers are carried out. It is concluded that the use of thermal impulse installations is promising for deburring parts of coaxial radio components of ultra-high frequency microelectronics. The advantages of domestic samples are combination of price and quality in comparison with foreign samples. Materials used in the production of parts of coaxial radio components are to be processed in the thermal impulse installation. The size of the occurring burrs and their relationship with the thinness of the structural elements of the parts also allow one to choose a processing mode in which burrs will be removed and the geometry of the parts will be preserved. The line of models makes it possible to choose the thermal impulse installation of the required chamber volume, based on the dimensions of the parts and the batch of loading.


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