A system approach to organization of the information supply of a professional training system in a large transport company

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Sol’skaya I. Yu., Voiloshnikov A. A. Sistemnyi podkhod k organizatsii informatsionnogo obespecheniya sistemy professional'nogo obucheniya v krupnoi transportnoi kompanii [A system approach to organization of the information supply of a professional training system in a large transport company]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, No. 4 (68), pp. 195–202. – DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.4(68).195-202

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The corporate system of vocational training for a large transport company, Russian Railways OAO, satisfies the requirements for qualified personnel in the technological process. Management of the training process takes place in a complex multilevel hierarchical system. In the structure of the system there are many elements, the purpose of which is determined by the functional needs of the production process.At the same time, the very system of personnel training for transport activities belongs to the human-machine type, since its elements include various kinds of automated systems with their own databases and information transmission networks. Every year, with the development of computing hardware and technologies in the information environment, the information system is gradually transforming in the direction of increasing the significance of unmanned technologies based on the principles of artificial intelligence. The symbiosis of human and machine resources in various control systems in the transport industry is determined not only by advances in the development of engineering and technology, but also by a greater degree of economic feasibility of their implementation in already operating processes. Automation of the organization of the process of professional training of personnel is, on the one hand, a factor in increasing the efficiency and controllability of the transport company as a whole, and on the other, an element that requires adaptation to the internal environment in terms of interaction with other elements of the company's management system and special control tools of the transportation process. The article discusses approaches to improving the efficiency of the vocational training system for railway transport workers, based on the use of automated systems that perform not only information handling processes, but also planning, tools for eliminating interaction problems between elements of the company management system in the process of vocational training.

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