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The bulk of the metal products is represented on the market in the form of rolled metal. Every year the share of hard-to-deform materials escalates and the working conditions of mill rolls change accordingly, the operating stresses and the requirements for their durability increase. Currently, the most part of cold-rolled mill rolls is purchased from abroad. The topical task is to produce domestic rolls and to assess their durability, which makes it possible to carry out the right conclusion on the replacement of rolls. Mill rolls are manufactured in the form of all-rolled or bimetallic, for the production of solid rolls, high-strength roll steels 90ХФ, 90Х, 75ХМ, 60ХСМ, 75Х2СГФ and others are used. When manufacturing bimetallic rolls of inexpensive steel, for example 90ХФ, a layer of high-alloyed steel, for example 175X7НМ5В2Ф5, is welded on the axis. The main purpose of using bimetallic rolls is significant savings due to the use of the axis of the cheaper material and surfacing made of the more expensive material. The article presents the results of calculating the quarto mill rolls for durability in the process of operation taking into account residual thermal stresses. The calculation is presented for circular internal defects located perpendicular to the roll axis and posing the greatest danger. As a result, it was found out that the maximum danger is represented by cracks located in the marginal zone of the necks. An analysis of the results obtained proves that the application of cladding made of steel with carbide-intermetallic hardening increases the durability of mill rolls by two or three times compared to solid-rolled rolls made of traditional 90Х or 90ХФ steels

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Работа выполнена при поддержке госзадания Минобрнауки РФ, проект № 9.7667.2017/БЧ.


Список цитируемой литературы: 

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