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The article presents an overview of the principle of operation of a shrink chuck of a classical design, considering its advantages and disadvantages. The paper describes a competitive technique for designing a shrink chuck in the production preparation shops at enterprises of mechanical engineering industry in Russia. Particular importance of the proposed version of the improvement of the shrink chuck is the introduction of a discharge groove on the end and an additional fixation of the tool by three radial pins in the chuck, which makes it possible to transmit the maximal possible torque to the tool. To increase the efficiency of the shrink chuck, an additional fixation of the three radial pins, with the implementation of the response-start grooves at an angle of 130 on the mill shank, is introduced. In this case, the accuracy characteristics are maintained, and the torque is transmitted by a pin mechanism. Using the pin mechanism, the limit for the transferred torque will depend only on the properties of the metal to values of shear/bearing failure, and the diameter of the pins, whereby it will be possible to achieve the limit values of the torque of the machine when milling parts using the shrink chuck. The results of the modeling of the loading torque of the improved shrink chuck design are presented depending on the torque on the mill in Ansys 14.0, the universal program system of finite element analysis. When developing the shrink chuck, the classical design was also improved through the use of the discharge groove on the end face of the chuck in order to reduce the stresses generated at the fixing tool due to the tension. The described methodology allows manufacturing the presented shrink chuck in the production preparation shops of the domestic enterprises.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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