Дата поступления: 
Номер журнала (Том): 
629.4; 621.534; 62.752


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The purpose of the proposed study is to develop a theory of the dynamics of the brush-commutator unit at the intensive dynamics loading of a traction motor of an electric locomotive. The mathematical model of the surface of the commutator and brushes is subjected to “not-holding” ties. An analytical approach is developed on the basis of the mathematical apparatus of the theory of oscillations of mechanical systems. Elements of the systems are involved in complex motions with possible contact failures and collisions. The conditions of the brush detachment from the commutator are formulated. The characteristics of the modes of the brush motion with the detachment from the commutator are defined. Dependencies of the modes of the contact failure on the dynamic parameters of motion of the collector surface are determined. An approach to the assessment of contact interaction is developed. The approach is accounting for not-holding ties through the introduction of a generalized gap function. The use of the gap allows us to characterize the dynamics of the elements of the brush-commutator unit with advanced ideas about external influences. Analytical expressions of the contact are provided, and the results of computational experiments are presented in the article. The scientific concept of dynamic interaction between the elements of the brush-commutator unit is constructed using mathematical models. The determination of regularities of motion of the contact surface is assumed to be possible. The laws of motion are approximated using harmonic functions. The possibility of including additional external loads on the engine is the main feature of the approach.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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