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Номер журнала (Том): 
621.311: 621.331


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The economic damage from the lowered quality of the electric power includes technological and electromagnetic components. The first one is due to the fact that the lowered quality can lead to violation of complex technological processes, decline in the quality of products, reduction of the productivity of working mechanisms. The electromagnetic component is defined by increase of losses of the electric power, decrease in reliability of power supply and reduction of reliability of the accounting of the electric power. Therefore, the problem of quantitative definition of influence of indicators of quality on energy efficiency of systems of power supply has an undoubted relevance.

Results of the computer modeling aimed to define the influence of asymmetry of tension of the three-phase system on a size of losses of power in electric network are presented in article.

The analysis of the negative effects caused by distortions of quality of the electric power is provided. Unlike many works in which such analysis was made on the basis of the simplified analytical ratios, the authors used the more adequate approach based on the modeling of the asymmetrical modes in phase coordinates.

It is shown that the size of additional losses depends on a way of creating asymmetry and a mode of the loading node. With the external asymmetry created by resistive loading, dependence of losses on asymmetry coefficient on the return sequence is close to linear. If the asymmetry is created by various loadings on phases, then this dependence becomes close to square one.

Additional losses in the transformer at big levels of asymmetry can reach 15 … 20% of the size of rated losses in copper.

The additional losses are inversely proportional to tension of short circuit of the transformer.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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2. Zakaryukin V.P., Kryukov A.V., Cherepanov A.V. Intellektual'nye tekhnologii upravleniya kachestvom elektroenergii [Intelligent technologies of power quality management]. Irkutsk: Irkutsk National Research Technical University Publ., 2015, 218 p. ISBN 978-5-8038-1011-7.

3. Zakaryukin V.P., Kryukov A.V., Cherepanov A.V. Upravlenie kachestvom elektroenergii v sistemakh elektrosnabzheniya zheleznykh dorog [Electricity quality management in power supply systems of railways]. Irkutsk: ISTU Publ., 2015, 180 p.

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14. Zakaryukin V.P., Kryukov A.V., Sokolov V.Yu. Sistemnyi podkhod k modelirovaniyu mnogoampernykh shinoprovodov [The system approach to the modeling of multi-ampere busbars]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2008, No. 4 (20), pp. 68–73.

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17. Kryukov A.V., Zakaryukin V.P., Litvintsev A.I. Interval'nyi metod rascheta rezhimov elektroenergeticheskikh sistem v faznykh koordinatakh [Interval method for calculating the regimes of electric power systems in phase coordinates]. Sistemy. Metody. Tekhnologii [Systems. Methods. Technologies], 2011, No. 9, pp. 54-61.

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19. Zakaryukin V.P., Kryukov A.V. Tokoraspredelenie v provodakh linii elektroperedachi s rasshcheplennymi provodami [Current distribution in wires of power transmission lines with split wires]. Problemy energetiki [Issues of power engineering], 2010, No. 1-2, pp. 54.

20. Zakaryukin V.P., Kryukov A.V., Le Kong Zan'. Modelirovanie i parametricheskaya identifikatsiya uzlov nagruzki elektro-energeticheskikh system [Modeling and parametric identification of load nodes of electric energy systems]. Irkutsk: Irkutsk National Research Technical University Publ., 2016, 158 p.

21. Alekseenko E.A., Bulatov Yu.N., Zakaryukin V.P., Kryukov A.V. Modelirovanie avariinykh rezhimov v sistemakh elektro-snabzheniya zheleznykh dorog / Pod red. A.V. Kryukova: monografiya [Modeling of emergency modes in electrical supply systems of railways. In: A.V. Kryukov (ed.): a monograph]. Irkutsk: ISTU Publ., 2016, 170 p.

22. Zakaryukin V.P., Kryukov A.V., Avdienko I.M. Modelirovanie sistem tyagovogo elektrosnabzheniya, osnashchennykh simmetri-ruyushchimi transformatorami: monografiya [Modeling of traction power supply systems equipped with symmetrizing transformers: a monograph]. Irkutsk: ISTU Publ., 2016, 164 p.