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Elkin K.S., Glushkevich M.A., Nebogin S.A. The application of the series capacitive compensation to increase the useful power ratio. Modern technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, 2018, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 23-30. DOI: 10.26731 / 1813-9108.2018.1 (57).23-30

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The increase in the ore-smelting electric furnace is accompanied by a significant increase in the amount of operating currents in the electrodes with a slow growth of useful voltages.  It leads to a sharp increase in the inductive voltage drop in the electrical circuit of the furnace and the decrease of its power factor which currently does not exceed 0.7.  Since it is impossible to reduce reactance of the furnace circuit, the natural power factor of the ore-smelting electric furnaces drops as their power increases. Consequently, it necessitates using installations with series capacitive compensation. Application of the series capacitive compensation causes an increase in the consumer bus voltage that depends on the load current. Voltage drop occurs in the capacitor, directed in the opposite to the voltage drop in the inductor. The capacitive reactance value can be adjusted so that modulus of the secondary voltage vector is equal to or greater than the primary voltage. When using the installation of series capacitive compensation, one can automatically adjust the voltage on the network during the change of the load of the consumer. The article describes the possibility of operation of the electric furnace RKO-33 with a power factor of 0.92. To achieve such a high power factor of the electric furnace, a partial compensation of its inductive reactance is required by means of a series connection of capacitor banks of the series capacitive compensation into the phases of the electrical circuit. Total estimated operating capacity of the capacitor banks of the series capacitive compensation is determined by the balance of reactive power of the ore-smelting electric furnace.


Статья подготовлена с использованием результатов работ, выполненных в ходе проекта 02.G25.31.0174 «Разработка комплексной ресурсосберегающей технологии и организация высокотехнологичного производства наноструктур на основе углерода и диоксида кремния для улучшения свойств строительных и конструкционных материалов» в рамках Программы реализации комплексных проектов по созданию высокотехнологичного производства, утвержденной постановлением Правительства РФ № 218 от 9 апреля 2010 г.

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