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Библиографическое описание статьи: 

Lagunova E.O. The flux-conditioned design model of the radial bearing in turbulent mode with account of the non-Newton lubricant viscosity dependence on pressure and temperature. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, 2018, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 31–40. ‑DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2018.1(57).31-40

Номер журнала (Том): 
51 : 621.891


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The article discusses the development of the design model of an infinite radial bearing, lubricated with a medium with micropolar rheological properties, and a flux of low-melting coating, while taking into account the pressure and temperature dependence of the micropolar lubricant viscosity characteristics. The author evaluates the influence of the parameters that are mentioned below, on the basic performance of the radial bearing of plain friction: the parameter K conditioned by the flux of the low-melting metallic coating of the bearing sleeve surface; the parameter N1 characterizing the size of the lubricant molecule; the coupling parameter N2; the parameter conditioned by the dependence of the lubricant viscosity on the pressure, and the parameter  determined by the dependence of the lubricant viscosity on temperature. The article presents new mathematical models that describe the motion of an incompressible micropolar lubricant in the "thin layer" approximation, the equation of continuity and expression of the energy dissipation rate to determine the profile of a molten surface of the melting coating of the bearing sleeve. It also considers influence of a number of additional factors. A comparative analysis of new and already available results has been made, which has confirmed the appropriateness of the new model to real practice. New multi-parametric expressions for the main operational behavior of the friction pair are developed, taking into account the dependence of the micropolar lubricant viscosity on pressure and temperature (if there if a lubricant material and a flux of the low-melting coating of the bearing sleeve). The author evaluates influence of parameters with allowance for the whole range of variable factors conditioned by the flux of the low-melting coating surface of the bearing sleeve on the specific melting heat. The proposed article generalizes the influence of factors that have not yet been investigated. This complicates the problem but makes its solution universal and popular in modern friction units. The obtained results can be used in mechanical engineering, aircraft engineering, instrument making, etc. where the supply of lubricant is associated with difficulties.


Публикация осуществлена в рамках реализации гранта ОАО «РЖД» 2210370/22.12.2016 на развитие научно-педагогических школ в области железнодорожного транспорта.

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