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Ivanov P. Yu., Manuilov N. I., Dulskii E. Yu.,  Cherevko M. N. Improving the controllability of train brakes. Modern technologies. System analysis. Modeling, 2018, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 103-109. DOI: 10.26731 / 1813-9108.2018.1 (57). 103-109.

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Файл статьи: 

The article deals with experimental studies of the process of pressure reduction in the equalizing tank (ET) and in the equalization chamber (EC) of the driver’s brake valve with cond. no. 395 while eliminating the supercharged pressure. The authors analyze design and operation of the crane stabilizer of the machinist in the position II of the handle of the driver’s brake valve with cond. no. 395. They formulate the problem of the actuation of autobrakes as a result of recharging the train brake network and theoretically substantiate the need to modernize the means the brake rolling stock of railways. The curve of pressure reduction in the equalizing reservoir and in the equalization chamber by driver’s brake valve with cond. no. 395 equipped with a standard stabilizer was experimentally prepared.  The graphs of the pressure decrease in the equalizing tank and the compensation chamber are obtained with different adjustments of the stabilizer of the by driver’s brake valve.  In the paper, the shortcomings of the stabilizer of the by driver’s brake valve are determined. It makes it possible to further modernize the device in order to solve the problem of increasing the controllability of the brake system associated with the human factor during charging and dispensing of rolling stock brakes. A modernized stabilizer of supercharging pressure is proposed.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

1.   Ivanov P.Yu., Manuilov N. I., Dul'skii E. Yu. Vliyanie klimaticheskikh uslovii na plotnost' tormoznoi seti poezda v ekspluatatsii [Influence of climatic conditions on the density of the brake network of a train in operation]. Aktual'nye voprosy i perspektivy razvitiya sovremennoi nauki : materialy II Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. studentov, aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh [Topical questions and prospects of development of modern science: materials II Intern. scientific-practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists]. Sankt-Peterburg, 2017, pp. 48–57.

2.   O vvode v deistvie Reglamenta vzaimodeistviya rabotnikov, svyazannykh s dvizheniem poezdov, s rabotnikami lokomotivnykh brigad pri vozniknovenii avariinykh i nestandartnykh situatsii na putyakh obshchego pol'zovaniya infrastruktury OAO RZhD : rasporyazhenie OAO RZhD ot 12.10.2017 No. 2580r. [On the implementation of the Regulation on the interaction of workers connected with the movement of trains with workers of locomotive brigades in the event of emergency and non-standard situations on the routes of the general use of the infrastructure of OAO Russian Railways: the order of Russian Railways dated 12.12.2017 No. 2580r.]. URL: (Access date: Jan 27, 2018).

3.   Pravila tekhnicheskogo obsluzhivaniya tormoznogo oborudovaniya i upravleniya tormozami zheleznodorozhnogo podvizhnogo sostava : protokol zasedaniya Soveta po zheleznodorozhnomu transportu gosudarstv-uchastnikov Sodruzhestva No. 60 ot 6-7 maya 2014 [Rules for the maintenance of braking equipment and brake control of railway rolling stock: the minutes of the meeting of the Council for Rail Transport of the Commonwealth Member States No. 60 of May 6-7, 2014]. URL: (Access date: Oct 11, 2017).

4.   Ivanov P.Yu., Manuilov N. I., Dul'skii E. Yu. Modelirovanie raboty rezinovykh uplotnenii tormoznoi seti podvizhnogo sostava v usloviyakh nizkikh temperatur [Modeling the work of rubber seals of brake network of rolling stock in low-temperature conditions]. Sovremennye tekhnologii, sistemnyi analiz, modelirovanie [Modern technologies, system analysis, modeling], 2017, No. 3 (55), pp. 112–119.

5.   Ivanov P.Yu., Manuilov N. I., Dul'skii E. Yu. Issledovanie raboty stabilizatora krana mashinista usl. No. 395 [Investigation of the crane driver's brake valve stabilizer with the cond. No. 395]. Innovatsionnye proekty i tekhnologii mashinostroitel'nykh proizvodstv : materialy vtoroi vseros.nauch.-tekhn. konf [Innovative projects and technologies of machine-building productions: materials of the second All-Russia scientific-technical conf.]. Omsk, 2017, pp. 63–69.

6.   Ivanov P.Yu., Manuilov N. I., Dul'skii E. Yu. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie protsessa nagreva izolyatsii obmotki statora asinkhronnoi vspomogatel'noi mashiny elektrovoza [Mathematical modeling of the process of heating the insulation of the stator winding of an asynchronous auxiliary machine of an electric locomotive]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern technologies. System analysis. Modeling], 2016, No.1 (49), pp. 183–189.

7.   Ivanov P. Yu., Manuilov N. I. Ustroistvo kontrolya plotnosti tormoznoi magistrali poezda [Device for monitoring the density of the brake pipe of the train]. Nauka i molodezh' : sb. tr. Pervoi Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. studentov, aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh [Science and youth: the collection of works of the Second All-Russian scientific-practical conf. of students, graduate students and young scientists]. Irkutsk, 2015, pp. 58–62.

8.   Ivanov P.Yu., Manuilov N. I., Dul'skii E. Yu. Intellektual'naya sistema tormoznoi seti poezda [Intelligent system of the brake network of the train]. Nauka i molodezh' : sb. tr. Vtoroi Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. studentov, aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh [Science and youth: the collection of works of the Second All-Russian scientific-practical conf. of students, graduate students and young scientists], Irkutsk, 2016, 845 p., pp. 150–156.

9.   Ivanov P. Yu. et al. Issledovanie prichin samoproizvol'nogo srabatyvaniya avtotormozov gruzovykh poezdov [Investigation of the causes of spontaneous triggering of auto-brakes of freight trains]. Transportnaya infrastruktura Sibirskogo regiona : materialy vos'moi Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. [Transport infrastructure of the Siberian region: materials of the 8th Intern. scientific-practical conf.]. Irkutsk, 2017, pp. 399–404.

10. P. Yu. Ivanov et al. Vozmozhnosti uluchsheniya bazovykh pokazatelei perevozochnogo protsessa na uchastke Taishet-Taksimo [Possibilities for improving the basic parameters of the transportation process in the Taishet-Taksimo section]. Transportnaya infrastruktura Sibirskogo regiona : materialy vos'moi Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. [Transport infrastructure of the Siberian region: materials of the 8th Intern. scientific-practical conf.], Irkutsk, 2017, pp. 453–456.

11. Usol'tsev A. A. Obshchaya elektrotekhnika [General electrical engineering]. St.Petersburg : SPbSU RTMO Publ., 2009, 301 p.

12. Khrustalev B. M., Nesenchuk A. P., Romanyuk V. N. Tekhnicheskaya termodinamika [Technical thermodynamics]. Minsk : Tekhnoprint Publ., 2004, 486 p.

13. Dul'skii E.Yu., Dotsenko N.S., Garev N.N. Opredelenie uglovykh koeffitsientov izlucheniya v programmnom komplekse «MSC Marc» [Determination of the angular emission coefficients in the software package "MSC Marc"]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern technologies. System analysis. Modeling], 2013, No.3 (39), pp. 85–89.

14. Afonin G.S., Barshchenkov V.N., Kondrat'ev N.V. Ustroistvo i ekspluatatsiya tormoznogo oborudovaniya podvizhnogo sostava [The device and operation of brake equipment of rolling stock]. Moscow : Akademiya Publ., 2006, 304 p.
