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The aim of the article is to analyze the results of measuring deviations of the error in the shape of a «conical shaft» type part using the example of a conical mandrel NSK 30-27. The details of this shape can be made  and later applied to connections that transmit torque as auxiliary mandrels operating under conditions of multiple automated re-assembly and disassembly in various mechanisms.

Based on a preliminary statistical evaluation of the shape error, measurements of the error in the shape of the conical shaft were made, with the dispersion and standard deviation of the measurements being determined. In the following, the values of the correlation function of the deviations of the radius vector of the profile of the conical shaft, the normalized correlation function, and the value of the function ξx (τ) are calculated and its graph is constructed. For the random correlation function of the error of the shape, the spectral composition is determined and the variances are distributed by frequencies. In this case, the technique of expanding the random correlation function into a Fourier series is used, using only the even (cosine) harmonics. As a result of the spectral analysis, the variance values for harmonics from 0 to 6, most often studied in practice in mechanical engineering, are established.

On the basis of these results, it is possible to create mathematical models of the shape of the male and female parts of a profile connection of the shaft-bushing type (with allowance for the shape error) and the simulation model of conjugation of conical joint parts for modeling of the reusable automated assembly and disassembly in various mechanisms.

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