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The article meets the challenge of increasing the capacity of double-track lines in the conditions of circulation of trains of different weight and length. One way to solve this problem is to lengthen the station tracks.

The author noted the main difficulties encountered in the reconstruction of stations, especially when choosing the stage of lengthening the tracks at the stations.

Train delays at station approaches are one of the most important criteria when selecting a reconstruction project. However, the task of their definition still has not been formalized clearly.

 In order to determine the number and duration of rolling stock delays, the main statistical parameters were established for the interval distribution of freight train arrival to technical stations and the number of cars in freight trains.

Based on the analysis of statistical material and the developed model of the railway section, the delays of freight trains were investigated when approaching the intermediate and technical stations of the section. In the simulation, long-component freight trains; freight trains of normal length; long-component trains of empty cars; a passenger train were considered as significant traffic flows. The author identified the dependencies of magnitudes and the number of the train delays from various factors: the size of traffic flows, the share of long-component trains at the section, the distance between overtaking stations, the ratio of speed of freight trains to the speed of the passenger trains.

The proposed method will allow estimating train delays more accurately, depending on various factors.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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12.    Gozbenko V.E., Kripak M.N., Ivankov A.N. Sovershenstvovanie transportno-ekspeditsionnogo obsluzhivaniya gruzovladel'tsev [Improvement of freight forwarding services for cargo owners]. Irkutsk, 2011.

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