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Belogolov Yu. I., Astashkov N. P., Olentsevich V. A. Upravlenie i povyshenie bezopasnosti perevozochnogo protsessa pri transportirovke nalivnykh gruzov [Managing and improving the safety of the transportation process when transporting liquid bulk cargoes]. Sovremennyye tekhnologii. Sistemnyy analiz. Modelirovaniye [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 102–111. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.1(61).102–111

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Transporting goods by rail is the main place in the structure of the transportation process. Rail transport handles a variety of goods, including a wide range of dangerous goods. With the increasing needs of railway transportation, it is important to ensure traffic safety, cargo safety and uninterrupted operation of the entire infrastructure as a whole. At present, there has been a tendency to increase the transportation of liquid bulk cargo in tank cars and container tanks. Transportation of oil and oil products has decreased in recent years, however, the volumes of other goods, for example, acids, chemical products and various gases under pressure have increased. Therefore, the role of structural elements and devices placed directly on the rolling stock, outdoor devices and affecting the safety of the transportation process is difficult to overestimate. When transporting liquid bulk cargoes, critical functions are assigned to the shut-off and safety fittings with which each tank car or tank container is equipped. A wide range of pressures, temperatures, aggressiveness of the transported media, as well as the forces and loads arising during transportation impose high performance requirements on the connections of the valves of the safety and stop valves. Polymeric and / or metallic elements can be used as sealing compounds. In recent years, thin-walled shell elements have been widely used in sealing technology. The use of thin-walled shell elements is especially advisable when the use of polymer elements is impossible due to operating conditions, and the use of ground-in flat or conical connections is irrational due to thermal cycling. The article focuses upon the consideration of issues related to the use of thin-walled metal shell elements in valves in railway transport and the method of their calculation. It should be noted the difficulty of determining the rational geometrical dimensions of the considered metal shell elements under shock loading conditions with an indefinite maximum dynamic load, which is the main limiting factor of their application. The main conclusions are provided at the end of the article.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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