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Lebedeva O. A., Gozbenko V. E., Kargapol'tsev S. K. Optimizatsiya transportnoi seti s uchetom otsenki kachestva uslug obshchestvennogo transporta [Optimization of the transport network taking into account assessment of quality of public transport services]. Sovremennyye tekhnologii. Sistemnyy analiz. Modelirovaniye [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 112–118. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.1(61).112–118

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One of the main tasks of optimizing the transport network is to increase the efficiency of public transport and its attractiveness to passengers due to the quality of the services provided. Problems are usually solved with the help of practical guides and special procedures, models of analytical optimization or metaheuristic methods. The model is an optimization problem with constraints, which takes into account network resources, the distribution of population depending on the characteristics of settlement. To solve the problem, it is necessary to obtain more data on the bus network, such as the exact time in the bus route, the distance between bus stops, population distribution and demographics. The article emphasizes the need for a thorough analysis of the factors that influence the planning of the bus route. This article describes the basic functions of optimizing models that can be used in designing public transport networks. The task can be solved by adapting the model to the required conditions. A solution may be the optimization of the entire network or its part. An algorithm based on the decision tree was chosen for the study, since it allows reducing the complexity of calculations when finding the optimal route between a given initial and final point. This method has limitations - manual selection of start and end points for each route is required, and the calculation of routes is carried out sequentially, but its undoubted advantage is ease of implementation. At the next stage, it is necessary to carry out the selection of the optimal route using a simplified approach. In conclusion, I would like to note that the design of the transport network is a complex process, which is formulated as an optimization problem with constraints. When using optimization methods, the speed of passenger delivery is improved about three times.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

1. Lebedeva O.A. Pokazateli otsenki effektivnosti raboty obshchestvennogo transporta [Indicators for evaluating the efficiency of public transport]. Sovremennye tekhnologii i nauchno-tekhnicheskii progress [Modern technology and technological advance]. 2018. Vol. 1, pp. 108-109.
2. Lebedeva O.A. Transportnaya infrastruktura kak osnovopolagayushchii faktor effektivnogo funktsionirovaniya ekonomiki strany [Transport infrastructure as a fundamental factor in the effective functioning of the country's economy]. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov Angarskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta [Proceedings of the Angarsk State Technical University], 2018, pp. 125-130.
3. Lebedeva O.A., Antonov D.V. Osnovnye printsipy razvitiya transportnykh sistem gorodov [The basic principles for the development of urban transport systems]. Vestnik Angarskoi gosudarstvennoi tekhnicheskoi akademii [Bulletin of the Angara State Technical Academy]. Angarsk: AGTA Publ., 2014, pp. 149-155.
4. Lebedeva O.A. Matematicheskie modeli otsenki matritsy korrespondentsii na osnove dannykh detektora «vkhod-vykhod» podvizhnogo sostava gorodskogo passazhirskogo transporta [Mathematical models for evaluating the matrix of correspondences based on the data of the "input-output" detector of the rolling stock of urban passenger transport]. Vestnik IrGTU [Proceedings of Irkutsk State Technical University], 2012. No. 2. (61), pp. 66-68.
5. Lebedeva O.A. Sovershenstvovanie metodov monitoringa passazhiropotokov na marshrutakh gorodskogo passazhirskogo transporta obshchego pol'zovaniya: dis. … kand. tekhn. nauk [Improving methods for monitoring passenger traffic on the routes of urban public transport: Ph.D. (Engineering) diss.]. Irkutsk, 2014. 171 p.
6. Kripak M.N., Gozbenko V.E., Kolesnik A.I. Optimizatsiya struktury transporta kak mera povysheniya effektivnosti funktsionirovaniya sistemy gorodskogo passazhirskogo transporta [Optimization of the transport structure as a measure to improve the efficiency of the urban passenger transport system]. Sb. nauch. tr. AnGTU [Proceedings of AnSTU]. Angarsk: AnGTU Publ., 2013, pp. 229-232.
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15. Gavranovi H., Stojan T., Kresoja M. Optimizing Bus Routes in Nicosia. 125th European Study Group with Industry, 2017.
16. Ivankova L.N., Kuznetsova T.G., Ivankov A.N. Optimizatsiya raspolozheniya stantsionnykh ploshchadok na mestnosti s ispol'zovaniem geneticheskikh algoritmov [Optimizing the location of station sites on the ground using genetic algorithms]. V sbornike: Sovremennye podkhody k upravleniyu na transporte i v logistike Sbornik materialov Vserossiiskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii [In the collection: Modern approaches to management in transport and logistics. Collection of materials of the All-Russian scientificpractical conference], 2016, pp. 56-62.
17. Gozbenko V.E., Ivankov A.N., Kolesnik M.N., Pashkova A.S. Metody prognozirovaniya i optimizatsii transportnoi seti s uchetom moshchnosti passazhiro i gruzopotokov. Deponirovannaya rukopis' No. 330-V2008 17.04.2008 [Methods of forecasting and optimizing the transport network, taking into account the capacity of passenger and freight traffic. The deposited manuscript No. 330- V2008 17.04.2008].
18. Poltavskaya Yu.O., Dragunov A.F., Lyapustin P.K. Povyshenie propusknoi sposobnosti po ulitse Karla Marksa [Increased throughput in the Karl Marx Street]. Sovremennye tekhnologii i nauchno-tekhnicheskii progress [Modern technology and technological advance], 2014. Vol. 1. No. 1, pp. 43.