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Permyakov A. G., Shastin V. I., Kargapol’tsev S. K., Livshits A. V., Lgalov V. V. Udalenie zausentsev s poverkhnosti detalei kommutatsionnogo oborudovaniya v vysokointensivnom ul'trazvukovom pole [Removal of burrs from the surface of parts of switching equipment in a high-intensity ultrasonic field]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 33–40. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.2(62).33–40

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The article focuses on topical issues of studying the process of cavitational removal of burrs from the surface of small-size parts of switching equipment.  The purpose of the study is to develop a method for tratment of parts in a liquid medium when high-intensity ultrasonic vibrations are excited and their effects on the object of study are evaluated. A methodology and laboratory equipment for experimental research has been proposed and developed. The authors have identified the most functional and practically significant factors that influence the activity of the treatment process to optimize it, which make it possible to multiply the treatment efficiency. Possible options for processing parts from various materials most widely used in switching equipment products are considered. The effect of excessive hydrostatic pressure and activating additives into the working environment, in the form of abrasive materials and chemically active components, was investigated.  Technological recommendations are formulated to remove burrs from inaccessible internal surfaces, including intersecting channels of small diameter, and dulling sharp edges.  The article provides the description of the laboratory installation, on which there were experiments conducted to assess the influence of various factors on the deburring process. The results of a series of experiments, which allowed identifying the most effective composition of the working environment for various materials.  The preliminary experimental data obtained in the framework of this work make it possible to outline ways for further research in this direction and for introducing a deburring technology into production.

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