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Lebedeva O. A., Sharov M. I. Vliyanie transportnogo zonirovaniya na funktsionirovanie marshrutnoi seti goroda [The impact of transport zoning on the city route network functioning]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 62, No. 2. Pp. 196–202. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.2(62).196–202

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Enhancing transport accessibility will improve the efficiency of the route network, which will result in the reduction of overall transport costs and will make it possible to implement other planning tasks. The competitive properties of urban public transport can be enhanced by improving the operational management efficiency and the transport planning quality. Transport zoning and accessibility indices are used to solve problems within the framework of transport network modeling and its optimization. In the process of performing this work, data on transport accessibility were systematized; the calculation of time costs was performed; assessment of transport accessibility by city zones; the dependence of the cost per square meter on the time spent on movement. The rules were identified that must be followed when conducting transport zoning, indices that must be considered when assessing transport accessibility. The more data is available, the higher the quality of the study is. When assessing the impact of transport accessibility on housing prices, it is important to pay attention to the distance from the central part of the city, the proximity of highways, the system of approach roads; proximity to public transport stops with a large number of routes connecting different zones. A variant of the process of zoning is proposed by the example of the city of Angarsk. The reliability of the results obtained is substantiated, which is confirmed by generally accepted statistical criteria. In conclusion, it should be noted that the increase in the level of transport accessibility of the territory is one of the key factors of economic growth. The availability of tools that allow for detailed and accurate accessibility assessment is now one of the most important research studies in transport planning.

Список цитируемой литературы: 
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