Дата поступления: 
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Cherepanov A. P., Lyapustin P. K. Zakonomernosti snizheniya resursa unikal'nykh mashin [The pattern of decrease of a resource of unique machines]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 37–45. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.3(63).37–45

Номер журнала (Том): 
620.171: 621.039.548.58


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The article provides theoretical substantiation of the regularity of reducing the life of machines in the process of their operation. The mathematical description of the resource reduction regularity is shown on the basis of a graphical interpretation of the forecast and correction. This makes it possible to present the relationship between the original (at the initial moment, in the manufacture), the actual (at the present time) and the predicted (for the subsequent period of operation) technical indicators characterizing the damage and wear of components and machine parts during a certain time interval. However, with the help of the predictor-corrector function, the exact definition of the resource was possible only with a uniform grid step, but, as is known from practice, the resource of machines is predicted mainly with an uneven grid step, as it is difficult to carry out technical diagnosis regularly, at fixed intervals during operation. It is also established that the graphical interpretation shows only the regularity of the transition of the initial state to the limit state, but for the applied researcher it would be more important to build a curve that would reflect the true decrease in the resource of the machine with a decrease in the strength reserves of its components and parts. Research and practice show that one of the measures to reduce the risks of machine operation is to create a model of resource forecasting, which takes into account the largest number of factors affecting the resource, as well as the most complete use of technical diagnostics data, the results of the assessment of the technical condition and the residual strength of the machine elements. To solve this problem, an exponential dependence is presented, which shows the reduction of the resource from the degree of wear, defects, the effectiveness of technical diagnosis and the degree of danger when reaching the limit state at different stages of the life cycle of the machine. Mathematic description of this pattern can be used to predict the initial, current and residual life of single, unique machines and technical devices.

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