Дата поступления: 
Библиографическое описание статьи: 

Eliseev S. V., Kuznetsov N. K., Bolshakov R. S., Artynin A. I. Dinamicheskoe sostoyanie vibratsionnoi mashiny: uzly kolebanii, tsentry zhestkosti, koeffitsienty svyaznosti [The dynamical condition of a vibration machine: oscillations nodes, rigidity centers, connectivity coefficients]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 45–52. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.3(63).45–52

Номер журнала (Том): 
62.752, 621:534;833; 888.6, 629.4.015;02


Файл статьи: 

The paper develops methodological bases of structural mathematical modeling when applied to tasks of forming dynamical conditions of working members of technological vibration machines. The purpose of the research is to develop a method for constructing mathematical models for assessing the dynamic states of the working members of vibration machines in the conditions of changing the location of application of disturbing influences. Structural mathematical models are used in the form of structural diagrams of dynamically equivalent automatic control systems. The paper shows the possibilities of estimating and forming dynamic conditions or the distribution of oscillation amplitudes of the working members based on the use of the transfer functions of the system, in particular, the transfer functions of interpartial constraints. A number of concepts have been introduced that reflect the features of possible connections between the motion parameters of the working member points and the parameters of the ratio of exciting force factors. It is shown that the position of vibration nodes and other characteristic features of dynamic conditions can be corrected and formed by changing the values of the coefficients of connectivity of movements between the coordinates of points, as well as between the parameters of jointly acting vibration excitations. Analytical relations have been obtained that determine the conditions for the emergence and implementation of various dynamic modes associated with the consideration of vibration nodes and rigidity centers. The authors proposed to introduce the concept of the transfer function of interpartial constraints as a certain integrated component, which allows one to comprehensively estimate various dynamic modes under the action of several perturbing factors and is capable of detailing notions about the parameters of the relative position of characteristic points.

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