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Martusov A. L., Martusova S. A., Astashkov N. P., Tikhomirov V. A. Matematicheskoye modelirovaniye ispytatel'noy stantsii tyagovykh elektrodvigateley podvizhnogo sostava [The mathematical modeling of a testing station of rolling stock electric motors]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 64, No. 4. Pp. 66–73. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.4(64).66-73

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This article discusses the issue of energy efficiency of power regulators used at testing stations of traction electric motors of rolling stock. It mentions the main disadvantages of modern power regulators. The elimination of these shortcomings occurs through the use of additional filter-compensating equipment, which significantly affects the reliability of the design of the testing station as a whole.  The paper also analyzes the modern equipment of testing stations based on mathematical modeling. Mathematical modeling made it possible to visually see the switching dips in the curves of the sinusoid of the supply voltage, as well as the non-sinusoidality of the current curve consumed by the thyristor converter. There are also switching dips in the curves of the sinusoidal supply voltage. These dips are caused by the fact that in the switching interval there is an interphase short circuit of the switched phases. Based on the updated energy conservation law, a device has been proposed which, by changing the input electrical resistance, regulates the power of the test station. The paper analyzes the influence of existing and proposed equipment of testing stations on the supply network. The data obtained showed that when using semiconductor diodes, the full potential of the power source is used. The proposed technical solution makes it possible not to load the mains with additional currents. This device provides a power factor close to unity and maintains high electromagnetic compatibility of the testing station with the power supply network over the entire range of power control.

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