Problems of gear casing of electric locomotives: failures, loading, vibration insulation

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Moskvichev V. V., Chaban Е. А., Andrievsky A. G. Problemy kozhukhov zubchatoi peredachi elektrovozov: otkazy, nagruzhennost', vibrozashchita [Problems of gear casing of electric locomotives: failures, loading, vibration insulation]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 31–42. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.1(65).31-42

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The article discusses the problem of low performance indicators of gear casings of freight electric locomotives under the conditions of the Eastern polygon. It shows the dynamics in the occurrence of the gear casing failures during a year, while indicating the existing seasonality of changes in operating conditions, that leads to high loads in a relatively short period of time. The authors analyze a cause-and-effect set of casing failures according to the operation data and show the patterns of dynamic loading of the gear casing depending on the speed of the electric locomotive and the track roughness length. The paper provides a comparison between the range of natural frequencies of the casing and the frequencies of disturbing influences, from which it can be noted that their coincidence is possible, and, therefore, the casing of the gear transmission can absorb the loads that occur during resonance. The problem of the influence of torsional vibrations of the frame of the traction motor as a source of additional dynamic loading of the gear housing is indicated. The stiffness of mounting the casing to the traction motor substantially depends on the moment of bolt tightening. Thus, it is shown that when loosening the fastening bolts or not following the technology of their tightening, the natural frequency range of the casing oscillatory system can change, in which resonance phenomena can occur. The paper outlines the amplitude-frequency characteristic of torsional vibrations of the traction motor frame, as well as the dynamic moments that occur on the gear casing during torsional vibrations of the traction motor. To reduce the level of dynamic loads on the gear casing, contributing to the occurrence of failures, a casing design with shock absorbing fastening to the traction motor is proposed, providing a high protection system.


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