Onboard elementwise diagnostics of the chassis using the application of spectral analysis

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Ostrenko A. G., Kripak M. N., Soustova L. I. Bortovaya poelementnaya diagnostika khodovoy chasti s primeneniyem spektral'nogo analiza [Onboard elementwise diagnostics of the chassis using the application of spectral analysis]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 66, No. 2, pp. 101–109. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.2(66).101-109

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The technical condition of the automobile suspension significantly affects its stability and controllability, which in turn determines the safety of the automobile. But existing diagnostic methods of the suspension do not allow constant monitoring of the state of the suspension during operation. This article discusses the methodology of applying spectral analysis for elementwise onboard diagnostics of the chassis of land-based vehicles. It describes the shortcomings of stationary systems for monitoring the technical condition of automobile vibration dampers and compiles a structural diagram of the adaptive system for monitoring the technical condition of automobile shock absorbers. The paper substantiated the economic feasibility of introducing a system of continuous monitoring of the technical condition of automobile shock absorbers, which avoids the cost of expensive diagnostic equipment, wages for operators and reducing the coefficient of technical readiness of vehicles. It estimates the influence of the wear of the shock absorber parts on its dynamic characteristics and on the drag coefficient. For the first time, a single-mass vibrational design scheme of the suspension in the general automobile vibrational system is presented, which takes into account the nonlinearity and asymmetry of the dynamic characteristics of the vibration damper. The authors describe an approach to the monitoring of the technical condition of automobile shock absorbers using the mathematical tools of spectral analysis, which allows one to quickly evaluate their suitability for further operation by mismatching the spectral density of the vertical accelerations of the sprung masses, is described. The proposed system makes it possible to quickly monitor the technical condition of automobile shock absorbers, determine their residual life without using additional diagnostic equipment, thereby preventing critical wear of the shock absorber elements and increasing the reliability of the suspension system, as well as the safety and comfort of the automobile.

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