Resource-saving sanitary engineering equipment for passenger rail cars and railway locomotives

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Semenov A. G., Malomyzhev O. L., Fedotova N. E., Martynenko L. V. Resursosberegayushchee sanitarno-tekhnicheskoe ustroistvo dlya passazhirskikh vagonov i lokomotivov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta [Resource-saving sanitary engineering equipment for passenger rail cars and railway locomotives]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 66, No. 2, pp. 169–174. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.2(66).169-174

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Sanitary engineering devices of rail cars, locomotives, and stations that do not have central water supply and sewerage systems are restricted in their operation time due to a limited supply of water, as well as the cleaning of pit latrines, if available. Water supply is provided based on the current sanitary norms of water consumption: 25 liters per day for each passenger, of which up to 10–12 liters is spent on each flush of the toilet. Since the volume of water tanks of a rail car is 1000÷1200 l, the rail cars are filled with water, as a rule, every 12 hours of train travel, while each filling requires the work of equipment crews and forced detention of trains for up to 10 minutes. The article suggests replacing transport hydraulic plumbing units (water closets) with more advanced ones (mainly in terms of saving water consumption), primarily in the roling stock and in stationary track facilities in railway. Innovative proposals are based on proprietary new-generation systems/devices that have been patented in recent years (V. S. Guryanov and others). The effectiveness of modernization has been confirmed experimentally, both in laboratory conditions and in practice – in public institutions and in the private economy. The proposed resource-saving devices allow reducing water consumption by up to 30 %, while increasing the frequency of refueling passenger rail cars up to 17 hours, reducing: the time of forced detention of trains; the number of employees involved in equipment crews.

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