Transport production organization using risk-based organizational design

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Dinets D. A. Organizatsiya proizvodstva na transporte s primeneniem risk-orientirovannogo organizatsionnogo dizaina [Transport production organization using risk-based organizational design]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 66, No. 2, pp. 174–182. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.2(66).174-182

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This article includes new approaches for the labor organization management in railway transport. The bases of research are the concepts of organizational design, the motivational model of Russian Railways OAO and grade system labor remuneration as the most topical points of organization system restructuring in transport. The labor of employees of main production groups is standardized in accordance with the new requirements of the company to create lean production and perform labor functions. As a result, the organizational structure constantly changes. However, the functioning of companies in the new economic conditions also imposes new requirements for the organization of production. The system of labor organization in transport is risk-influenced, which is confirmed by systematic non-fulfillment of budgets. This is the reason why the risk management should be incorporated at the initial stages of organizational design. Risk management methodology includes a lot of approaches. This article deals with the search and justification of the mathematic models of risks control and estimation that are suitable to optimize labor  at the enterprizes of Russian railways. The most relevant methods for risk estimates in production organization are game theory, hierarchy method and the use of probability distribution laws. The choice of assessment and management tools is based on subjective and objective relations that emerge during the production process, taking into consideration the hierarchy of organizational units and the main goals of the transport enterprise.

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