The efficiency of implementation of train movement separation according to a “virtual coupling” system at a section

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Olentsevich V. A., Upir’ R. U., Antipina A. A. Effektivnost' vnedreniya interval'nogo regulirovaniya dvizheniya poezdov po sisteme «virtual'naya stsepka» na uchastke [The efficiency of implementation of train movement separation according to a “virtual coupling” system at a section]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 66, No. 2, pp. 182–189. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.2(66).182-189

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To remain competitive on the world market, to meet the needs for transportation as much as possible with increasing volumes of work, to ensure the availability and quality of services provided in railway transport, it is necessary to apply modern digital approaches to the organization of the transportation process. The article assesses the existing technology for organizing the driving of linked multiple trains by the example of the Mariinsk-Krasnoyarsk-Vostochny section of the Krasnoyarsk railway. With the development of technology for driving linked multiple trains, it is possible to link trains by means of a virtual coupling, which does not imply physical coupling of trains using an automatic coupling device. With that, trains are at a constant, equidistant position from each other. To analyze the effectiveness of the organization of driving double trains in the "Virtual Coupling" mode, the authors of the article have constructed train schedules with an interval of four minutes for double trains, and with an interval of two minutes in the future. The main indicators of the train schedule and line capacity were calculated. The calculations revealed that when the technology of interval control is introduced using the "Virtual Coupling" system, the required throughput capacity of the railway line increases by 19,05 % relative to the existing traffic schedule using double trains. The use of trains with a "Virtual Coupling" at the Mariinsk – Krasnoyarsk-Vostochny section is preferable, since their use reduces losses in the traction network, power consumption and other parameters of the traction network, and the voltage across the current collectors of locomotives is significantly higher than when using linked multiple trains. The economic effect of using this technology of organizing the work of the Mariinsk-Krasnoyarsk Vostochny section is 894,14 thousand rubles / year.

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