The study of a diverging flow in the gap between the walls with the formation of annular rarefaction zones

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Cherepanov A. P., Lyapustin P. K., Elshin V. V. Issledovanie raskhodyashchegosya potoka v zazore mezhdu stenkami s obrazovaniem kol'tsevykh zon razrezheniya [The study of a diverging flow in the gap between the walls with the formation of annular rarefaction zones]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, No. 3(67), pp. 22–31. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.3(67).22-31

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The article considers the flow diverging in a slit gap between two closely spaced walls with a transverse flow supply to the gap through a central hole in one of the walls. It shows the main statements of the hypothesis and analyzes the current state of research on the flow of compressible media. It is assumed that the flow moves continuously in the gap with the formation of annular rarefaction zones. This process has not been studied in practice, but there is evidence that annular zones are formed in the gap directly behind the nozzle edge, in which rarefaction alternates with increased pressure. Studies have shown that behind the first annular zone, a second and even a third annular zone of rarefaction are detected. It is also established that if one of the plates is made of a resilient or elastic material, then due to the rarefaction in the annular zones, the plate will execute oscillatory movements. Therefore, the proposed work attempts to study the nature of the continuous flow between the plates and provides a justification for the undulating flow in the gap, which causes a reduced (rarefaction) and increased (above atmospheric) pressure in the annular zones between closely located plates. By the example of a simplified mathematical model of continuous flow, some of its parameters are determined in the resulting annular zones. Field studies have observed that as the flow moves away from the feed nozzle, there is a change in the pressure of the diverging flow. The study was conducted not with the help of pressure gauges and vacuum meters, as it is usually accepted, but with the help of receptors containing discrete jet logic elements, the sensitivity of which is slightly higher than, for example, pressure gauges and vacuum meters. At the same time, the distribution of the flow in the gap with the formation of concentric annular zones (cavities), depending on the pressure and flow rate passing through the feed channel, the flow rate in the gap, the presence and size of these zones were determined. Research has been conducted using fairly simple units, but it has shown some practical applications of this flow. They can be useful in the development of a wide range of different devices, and specifically for recognizing the position, orientation and capture of plate parts during automatic assembly. The paper also shows the possibility of ejecting and multicomponent mixing of fluids to form gas-liquid mixtures in heat and mass transfer processes during absorption, rectification, dispersion, emulsification, creating vibration to clean walls from deposits, as well as in other technologies and devices.


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