Interaction instructions as a method of the airport technological process efficiency improvement

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Tsutskarev V. K. Instruktsii vzaimodeistviya kak instrument povysheniya effektivnosti tekhnologicheskogo protsessa obsluzhivaniya aeroporta [Interaction instructions as a method of the airport technological process efficiency improvement]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, No. 3(67), pp. 140–146. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.3(67).140-146

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One of the most important activities at the airport is groundhandling, which involves different departments, third-party companies and regulatory authorities into its technological process. The high-quality and clean-cut organization of the technological process is the key point of flight safety and regularity. In the conditions of operator’s competition, best practice and experience become a significant advantage which allows one to conclude contracts with new customers, as well as retain existing ones. The development of unique work technologies, the totality of which is a technological process, is more relevant to business aviation groundhandling companies than directly to the main airport operators. An insignificant number of operating airports in Russian Federation, and as a result, the lack of competition between them, with the exception of Moscow aviation hub, is not an incentive to implement innovations, optimize and modernize handling processes. The improvement of technological process by business aviation groundhandling companies is systemic, which allows them to compete with the main airport operator, whose main activity is scheduled flights handling. To solve this kind of problem, it is proposed to jointly and consecutively use technologies according to the type of work as part of the technological process of airport's operations. The analysis made it possible to define new algorithms and processes of the airport departments under 24-hour operation. According to the results of the analysis, specific proposals have been developed, the implementation of which allows one to increase the technological process efficiency on the basis of technically competent development interaction implementation with distribution by type of relevant work.

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