Evaluation of the compatibility of the traction power supply system during implementation of train traffic separation using the “virtual coupling” technology

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Astashkov N.P., Olentsevich V. A.,Belogolov Yu.I., Kashkovski V. V. Otsenka sovmestimosti sistemy tyagovogo elektrosnabzheniya pri vnedrenii interval'nogo regulirovaniya dvizheniya poezdov po tekhnologii «virtual'naya stsepka» [Evaluation of the compatibility of the traction power supply system during implementation of train traffic separation using the “virtual coupling” technology]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, No. 3(67), pp. 173–180. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.3(67).173-180

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One of the main directions for improving the transportation process in the railway transport system for today is the development of train separation technology, the use of which will allow determining the distance between trains not by clear block sections, but by focusing on the current location of the rolling stock. The practical use of the technology proposed in the article will reduce the interval of train spacing, increase the throughput capacity and carrying capacity of railway lines. In general, the effectiveness of implementing train traffic separation using the “virtual coupling” system is presented in the works of many authors, however, these works do not consider the issues of using the existing infrastructure of the traction power supply system. To compare the “virtual coupling” technology with driving linked multiple trains is to evaluate the throughput capacity reserve and train traffic schedules. The use of modern software tools for mathematical modeling will allow us to solve not only the tasks in hand, but also to assess the compatibility of the currently used traction power supply system. According to the results obtained by the authors, it can be seen that when trains move in the “virtual coupling” mode, the energy consumption, losses in the traction network, the limiting load factor, the temperature in the overhead contact system and the feeder line are lower than when during the movement of the linked multiple train. The voltage in the overhead contact system when using trains with a virtual coupling is significantly higher than when using linked multiple trains. On the basis of the above facts, it can be concluded that it is more appropriate to use trains with a virtual coupling at the considered section than linked multiple ones.

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