Application of phase locked loops in current and voltage discriminating elements of microprocessor-based relay protection devices

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Menaker K. V., Vostrikov M. V., Tikhomirov V. A. Primenenie skhem fazovoi avtopodstroiki chastoty v izmeritel'nykh organakh toka i napryazheniya mikroprotsessornykh ustroistv releinoi zashchity [Application of phase locked loops in current and voltage discriminating elements of microprocessor-based relay protection devices]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, No. 3(67), pp. 180–189. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.3(67).180-189

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The article discusses the possibility of implementing phase locked loops in discriminating elements of current and voltage in microprocessor-based relay protection devices. It is shown that the use of phase locked loops instead of digital filters makes it possible to reliably distinguish the first harmonic of the measured signal, track the change in frequency without using complex algorithms for determining the number of samples, and significantly simplify relay protection devices. For these purposes, the real oscillograms of the current and voltage at the output of the measuring transformers were considered. The signals were linearly interpolated with subsequent expansion in a Fourier series. The synthesis of the phase locked loop is carried out in the well-known program of electronic simulation "Multisim 11.0", the signals under study are synthesized, and a simulation check is conducted. The use of phase locked loops in order to isolate the first harmonic will make it possible to reduce the error due to precise adjustment of the frequency and phase of the controlled generator, which generates the first harmonic, to the phase and frequency of the measured signal coming from the output of the current or voltage transformer, as well as to simplify the existing relay protection scheme of the brand TsZA-27.5-FKS, reducing the number of its false responses. Experimental verification has confirmed that it is possible to use phase locked loops in microprocessor-based relay protection devices in practice as primary converters of current and voltage measuring devices. The studies conducted have also shown the feasibility of picking up the current signal without the use of measuring transformers by placing the measuring winding over the current conductor. This method eliminates distortions of the measured signal. However, it requires additional research due to the low signal level.

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