Three ground rules at the heart of the toothed planetary continuously variable gearing design that ensure its consumer properties

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Dan'kov A.M. Tri printsipa v osnove konstruktsii zubchatoi planetarnoi plavnoreguliruemoi peredachi, obespechivayushchie ee potrebitel'skie svoistva [Three ground rules at the heart of the toothed planetary smoothly regulated gearing design that ensure its consumer properties]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, No. 4 (68), pp. 65–74. – DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.4(68).65-74

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The article shows that the basis of a smoothly adjustable toothed gearing is a composite polysector gear wheel with a variable geometry and a separating power flow. With gear wheels of a similar design, both ordinary and two-wheeled planetary continuously variable gearing can be combined, and an indispensable condition for the existence of an ordinary gearing is the presence of an intermediate gear wheel, which complicates its design. In a more advanced planetary continuously variable gearing, which should be given preference to, the satellite's geared rims can be arranged both coaxially and horizontally opposed. It is advisable to design a central gear wheel in the form of a composite polysector. The design of composite polysector gear wheels is based on two ground rules that ensure the development of the technical object: the fragmentation ground rule, by which the geared rim of the wheel is presented as a set of toothed sectors with a synchronously modifiable spread relative to the axis of rotation, and the power flow separation principle that, with the presence of the elastic connection between different flow elements, allows avoiding damage of the gearing, while its gear ratio changes continuously. The need to simplify the design of a continuously variable gearing requires the exclusion of the geometric closure of the elements in engagement and the transition to their force closure when using a cycloidal pin engagement. As a result, objective prerequisites for reducing the mass and dimensions of the toothed continuously variable gearing as a vehicle gearing element are created, a mechanism that does not require high energy costs provides a satisfactory controllability of the gearing, as well as its composability due to the coaxial alignment of the drive and driven shafts while ensuring the necessary vehicle movement modes.

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