About the methods of reverse traction current influence compensation in railway automation devices

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Pul’tyakov A. V., Menaker K. V., Vostrikov M. V. O sposobakh compensatsii vliyaniya obratnogo tyagovogo toka v ustroistvakh zheleznodorozhnoi avtomatiki [About the methods of reverse traction current influence compensation in railway automation devices]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, No. 4 (68), pp. 134–141. – DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.4(68).134-141

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The article deals with the issues of compensation for the negative impact of reverse traction current on the operation of railway automation devices, in particular, on the operation of electric rail circuits and automatic locomotive signaling. It investigates the causes of the occurrence of reverse traction current asymmetry in rail lengths, analyzes the consequences of its influence on the operation of automation devices and considers ways to solve this problem. One direction shows the improvement and modernization of receiving locomotive devices in order to provide interference compensation and improve the quality of signal filtering at the input of receiving locomotive equipment. If there is an asymmetry of the reverse traction current in the rail lengths, the total magnetic flux in the core of the track impedance bond is non-zero. As a result of this, the voltage of the reverse traction current component in the secondary signal winding is induced, which has a negative impact on the operation of the rail circuit. Therefore, another way to solve this problem, which is relatively simple and easier to implement, is to compensate for interference directly by changing and improving the design of currently operated and newly developed track impedance bonds. Based on the conducted research and taking into account the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of existing solutions in this area, the authors proposed a device designed to compensate for the magnetic flux of a track impedance bond that occurs when the reverse traction current is asymmetric, which allows one to reduce the total magnetic flux to zero. The proposed method is protected by a patent of the Russian Federation for invention.

Список цитируемой литературы: 


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