Theoretical studies of features of train friction braking process modeling

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Poltavskaya Yu. O., Khomenko A. P., Tolstykh O. D. Modelirovanie protsessov vzaimodeistviya elementov transportno-tekhnologicheskoi sistemy regiona [The research of interaction processes of the regional transportation and technological system elements]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, No. 4 (68), pp. 158–165. – DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.4(68).158-165

Номер журнала (Том): 
656.025, 656.01


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The functioning of the economic and non-production sectors of any region is impossible without a transportation and technological system. It represents the relationships of various types of transport during the implementation of technological processes. These relationships include the location of departure / arrival points that express demand spatially, flows between them, and infrastructure. All components of the transportation and technological system are subordinated to one goal – to satisfy the necessity of movement of passengers, goods and information based on complex interaction with the environment. After analyzing the studies of the interaction of individual elements of the system, it was revealed that there is no single model for all types of interaction. The article presents a classification scheme for the transportation and technological system that consists of material (physical) objects (traffic participants and freight flows), the transport process itself and the regulation of activities. Based on the systematization of the properties and factors affecting the results and parameters of the transport process, a model of the interaction levels of the system elements is described, which can be applied to all types of transport. In order to assess the importance of interaction levels for the parameters of the transport process, a double comparison method was recommended. It allows comparing the interactions of elements not simultaneously but in pairs, at the same time taking into account the importance of the interaction of one element in comparison with another. As a result, we can conclude that the classification of material elements of the transportation and technological system can be used to describe any interaction, and the proposed double comparison method makes it possible to replace the qualitative indicators set by experts with quantitative ones. This significantly reduces the complexity of calculations, and it becomes possible to use the resulting solution for planning the transport process.

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