The study of braking processes in freight trains with electric locomotives BKG1 and VL80S on the belarusian railways

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Galai E. I., Rudov P. К., Galai E. E. Issledovanie tormoznykh protsessov v gruzovikh poezdakh s elektrovozami BKG1 i VL80C na Belorusskoi zheleznoi doroge [The study of braking processes in freight trains with electric locomotives BKG1 and Vl80S on the Belarusian railways]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, No. 4 (68), pp. 210–219. – DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.4(68).210-219

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Due to the development of transport, the range of rolling stock used on the Belarusian Railways is increasing. At present, two-section electric locomotives BKG1 and single-section ones BKG2 (Belarusian-Chinese freight locomotives) are in operation. Ascertainment of the characteristics of operation of the brake systems of the electric locomotive BKG1 and the control of the brakes when driving freight trains in various operating conditions, and development of the basic rules for the operation of the brake equipment of the electric locomotives BKG1 necessitated testing for their joint action with the electric locomotives VL80S. The study of the processes of uniform and emergency braking and release in freight trains of various lengths and weights, as well as checking the performance of the brake system of electric locomotives in the process of modeling possible situations in operation with electronic and pneumatic control modes made it possible to compare the characteristics of the train brakes when controlled from electric locomotives BKG1 and VL80S, to obtain practical results when decoding the records of the KLUB-U device, and to draw conclusions that helped to improve the maintenance of electric locomotives and were normatively fixed as changes and additions in the Rules for maintenance of brake equipment and control of the railway rolling stock brakes (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) intended for use by services related to the operation, maintenance and repair of brake equipment of locomotives.

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