Formation of new principles and models of work of industry structural divisions under conditions of introduction of digital technologies

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Grigor’eva N. N., Astashkov N. P., Olentsevich V. A. Formirovaniye novykh printsipov i modeley raboty strukturnykh podrazdeleniy otrasli v usloviyakh vnedreniya tsifrovykh tekhnologiy [Formation of new principles and models of work of industry structural divisions under conditions of introduction of digital technologies]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 156–165. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.1(65).156-165

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The construction of a high-tech modern model of “Digital Railway” is currently a key element, the implementation of which is planned for the near future. The project will create new principles and models for the work of all structural divisions of the industry in the context of the widespread penetration of digital technologies. The advent of digital technologies will allow us to transfer the organization and technology of the functioning of transport and other systems to a qualitatively new level. New information technologies will optimize the operation of the rolling stock. Based on the analysis of the performance indicators of the Irkutsk service locomotive depot according to the full service model of the locomotive fleet, it was found that the degradation of majority of indicators adversely affect the financial results of the depot and adversely influences the quality repair in general. To solve this problem, it is proposed to use the Irkutsk automated locomotive fleet reliability management system in the service locomotive depot, the introduction of which will increase the availability factor, reduce downtime in repair depots, and minimize resource consumption for all types of repairs and maintenance. The main consumer of the services of the reliability management system of the locomotive fleet is primarily the Russian Railways holding and the traction directorate. They are interested in the reliable operation of rolling stock, since risks arise during the operation of locomotives, such as comments on the operation of the locomotive fleet, failures and malfunctions of varying degrees of complexity, cases violations of the safety of train traffic.

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