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Cherepanov A. P., Lyapustin P. K. Povysheniye kachestva kontrolya i diagnostiki pri podgotovke k deklarirovaniyu i sertifikatsii yedinichnykh i unikal'nykh mashin [Improving the quality of control and diagnostics in preparation for the declaration and certification of single and unique machines]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 64, No. 4. Pp. 44–51. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.4(64).44-51.

Journal number: 
620.171: 621.039.548.58


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The article considers the ways of improving the quality of control and diagnostics in preparation for the declaration and certification of single and unique machines of hazardous production facilities with the combination of diagnosis and technical control during its manufacture. Preparation of single and unique machines for declaration and certification includes an integrated manufacturing technology and technical control by the manufacturer's service, combined with technical diagnostics, which is provided by the requirements of industrial safety, and resource-strength studies. They can also be included in the technological process of manufacturing single and unique machines. The results of the assessment of the initial technical condition are proposed to be used in the preparation of a package of documents for the purposes of declaration and certification. The proposed approach will contribute to the quality preparation of the machines themselves and technical documentation for them to carry out the declaration and certification procedures. After the declaration and certification procedures are complete, along with the mandatory list of the set of documents for the machine, the documents with the results of combined technical control and diagnosis, resource and strength studies conducted during manufacture, will also be delivered to the owner together with the machine. As is known, at the end of the term of operation designated by the manufacturer, the actual technical condition is assessed with the possibility of comparing it with the initial technical condition established in the manufacturing process. In accordance with the pattern of declining resources in the transition from the original technical condition to the actual one, it will be possible to increase the accuracy of determining the residual life and setting terms of further safe operation, which ultimately will enhance the safety and reliability of single and unique machines in use. The paper also presents the continuous flow process technology of manufacturing technical devices, including technical control, diagnosis, resource and strength studies and evaluation of the initial technical equipment, conducted in a given sequence. Together with the manufacture, the initial technical condition of various types of single and unique machines is determined.

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