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Reduced wear of rails and wheels of rolling stock is a crucial activity of railway transport. The solution to this problem not only increases the lifespan of wheels and rails, but in many cases leads to a reduction of fuel consumption for train traction, reduces noise when the train moves in curves. The intensity of wear of rails and wheels of rolling stock depends on many factors. The practice of Ulaan Baatar railway shows that, since 1992, the crest of the wheels started to be intensively worn, thereby increasing operating costs to repair and reduced service life of the railcar wheelsets. In order to carry out comprehensive measures for the rotation of wheelsets and determine the intensity of wear of flange thickness of railcar wheelsets, experiments on the wear and turning of wheel pairs of freight cars have been conducted. To justify comprehensive measures on turning of wheelsets and to determine the wear intensity of the flange thickness of the railcar wheelsets, experiments on freight cars after the overhaul, with the thickness of the ridge being around 33 mm have been carried out throughout the year. Also, research on the ridge profile has been conducted to determine thickness of the ridge machining for railcar wheelsets.

The studies determined that the rejection criterion characterizing dangerous form of the ridge wear is a horizontal projection forming the wear surface of the ridge between the points located 2 mm below its top and 13 mm above the average taping line. The calculations on the wear of the wheelset ridges of open model EC70 produced in China after three years of operation have been carried out.

Иccлeдовaния позволили определить критeрий брaковки, хaрaктeристики опacных форм изноca грeбня, которые прeдcтaвляют cобой горизонтaльные проeкции обрaзующeй изношeнной повeрхноcти грeбня мeжду точкaми, рacположeнными примерно нa 2 мм нижe eго вeршины и примерно нa 13 мм вышe cрeднeго кругa кaтaния. Провeдeны рacчeты изноca грeбнeй колecных пaр полувaгонов модeли EC70 производcтвa КНР поcлe трeхлeтнeй экcплуaтaции.

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